Monday, October 04, 2010

Oct. 3-4 Update - Wacky Weather and Frisky Fish

The early signs that fall is turning to winter are best interpreted as a sign to drive even that much more carefully and to fish that much MORE! We have had some weather it is true. With this trend, the fish, especially the browns get extra frisky. All that nifty gear that you scored at REI and Adventure 16 etc. is put to good use here. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Despite the precipitation, the temps are strangely tropical in places. Here are some gems from over the past few days.
Goldens remain part of the checklist of target species well into. fall. Gary and Jimmie had a successful session for these gems.
Staging browns are only getting hotter. Arnie shows off a solid specimen.
Jordan (and nice brown) puts up with Jimmie's instruction on how to pose with a fish.

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