Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wild Trout Camp Fall 2007 Report

The annual Wild Trout Camp was one of the best we've had. Despite the dry year the fish made a spectacular showing. Client Irene Killian had a great day with specimens such as these beauties below. Please feel free to contact us asap about winter opportunities.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

2007 Summer Report #2

The season progresses with levels continuing to drop and water temps on the rise. Despite this, the savvy angler will still have great days.

Client Lew Raker sampled some gems of the Sierra. High country treks are a smart call this year and the fish are plentiful and beautiful. The waters are cool and clear up high.

Southern California backcountry fanatic Bernard Yin spotted this guy chasing a 14 inch rainbow that was rising to his fly. Bernard switched to a streamer and on the third pass...well, we'll let the picture tell the story.

Thanks B for letting us be the first to post this.