Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fall is Here

Pure and simple, fall is upon us. The dry summer heat fades and the brown trout start to get frisky. Bernard did a quick recon of one of our fave fall waters and found fish on the move and positioned such that the signs are good. Here's a sample below. Give us a shout for more details as we prepare for these annual brown trout "hunts". Also, should you be in Oakhurst (

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Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Ironic... don't ya' think

There is really nothing in Alanis Morrisette's song that is ironic, it is really tragic. Think about about it... rain on your wedding day. Only outdone by the stunning and most majestic vista in the park, the tunnel view of Yosemite, but for us this day, it was on an R.V. Jay Dunkley and I where drafting behind while exiting the tunnel. Our days are full of little ironies. The errant cast in that seam you just crossed with a wake behind your fly, and still a rise. Only countered by the perfect drift through a riffle that you were sure would catch a trout and after the 100th perfect drift it dawns on you, you'd have better luck on the lawn of Scottie's Castle in Death Valley.

All we do, we do for the love of the moment when all the variables align and a fish strikes; all to let it go and start all over again. Maybe I am no different than Alanis in my understanding that my love of the game, to work so hard for a single moment in time is not ironic, but truly tragic... alas, at the end of the day, at least I'm not in the R.V..