Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aug. 30 Update Re: Hwy 140 and the Motor Fire

The Yosemite Blog reports the 140 re-opening. It appears to be in a limited capacity so, as always, do your homework before braving this route. http://yosemiteblog.com/2011/08/29/highway-140-opening-tomorrow-use-caution/ If you pass through Oakhurst via the South Entrance, please stop by our shop. Bernard Yin will be tying flies Weds./Thurs/Fri unless otherwise notified. Pop by and check out his killer spent-wing pattern. Bring him some OJ or cold water and he'll give you one or two! http://yosemiterivers.com

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Yosemite Access and the 140 Closure

Dear Friends,

A fair warning to all that fire, natural or otherwise, is part of the grand scheme of things in these parts. Unfortunately, a fire event has closed the 140. We urge you to plan carefully if travelling in and out of the park. A few tips that come to mind:
- Travel EARLY (or late). Holiday season traffic can be bad enough without the closure. Early and late hours at all gates usually mean smooth sailing.
- If you are booked with us for a day of fishing, you may wish to have a quick discussion a day or two beforehand with your guide. Your fishing destination and or rendez-vous point may be affected. Luckily, we are not relying purely on fishing destinations in the 140 region.

For more information on the Highway 140 road closure call Caltrans at (800)427-7623

Drive Safely,
Sierra Fly Fisher

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mid August Updates

The main stem Merced from the "Park" down is flowing beautifully but also warm. Choose your sections carefully. The PMDs are showing up well and parachute pattern by day followed by spinners later can do wonders. Hoppers by day are also worth a throw. The SF Kings, at higher elevations, remains cooler and fishes well. The PMDs are here in force as well. Many of our other small stream destinations at higher elevations have been stellar and are flowing from low to full-bore runoff even now. They all are fishing well and we are already getting excited about fall. Here's some fun footage of Bernard Yin coaching a client for a cagey brown in the Sequoia: Stalking a Brown Video

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Thursday, August 04, 2011

Late July + Early August News

We continue to be amazed by how late certain waters are "turning on". Of course we are also starting to find it rewarding. As of late July and even early August we are both witnessing and hearing of rainbows migrating to spawn! This isn't even at high elevations. Bigger waters such as the Kings and Merced have come alive and once you adjust to the higher flows, the fishing is solid. The smaller streams remain strong. Some of them unusually pretty and verdant. Below, Mike and Katherine work an idyllic pool after a long day sampling various Yosemite streams with us.
Bernard and Steve work on a good drift on the Kings River.
Perfecting a bow and arrow cast, Bill nabbed this scrappy Kings River bow.
A high meadow stream alive with color and plants.
An overcast day produced a flurry of browns.
Cole nabbed a solid brookie in the Tuolumne drainage. This fish was latched onto a smaller brookie which he hooked and was determined to not let go. We netted two fish. A rare and bizarre "food chain moment"
Gordon Johnson instructs on the Merced.
Myron nabbed a stout small stream brown while out with Rick Mazaria. See the next picture.
What a crazy fish!
One of the forks of the Tuolumne looking beautiful and fishing well.
This photo is a delight. One leaves the heat of the valley and heads for trout city!
Overcast conditions can inspire the fish.
Last but not least, champion angler Victor Gonzalez from Spain had a day out with Bernard and fish had no chance.

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